Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jumping the Bandwagon!

Attractive, Wonderful, little many thoughts,
Criss-cross my mind,
I jump into the bandwagon,
A one of its kind,
To travel & traverse,
Zooming-in & Zooming Out,
Watching the kaleidoscopic skyscrapers,
Reflecting a wrinkled woman, somewhere lost in a hut,
Shopping the modern staple oh so organic,
There lays a man, back broken on a cot,
Now I see, Multitudes of egos laughing,
Fully quenched with the blood,
Of others & of own,
Walked on the corpses to travel so far,
Only to realize the sham in this unending war!!

- Prashant Goel

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Symphony Continues!!

The notes still echo;
The wind continues to blow;
Sometimes melody;
At times a cacophony;
Ohh! Perhaps a hymn;
Amid a mellow & a strong wind!!

The clock up there continues to tickle;
Mundane tickles;
Yet promises a symphony;
A riveting symphony!!

Amidst this pattern of life;
The time continues to passes by!!

- Prashant Goel

Saturday, July 01, 2017

दो खोजी!

रात के अँधेरे में, सफ़ेद चादर ताने,
देखो! है ये कौन खड़ा?

बादलों का आकार है ये,
या सितारों का परचम है लहरा रहा?

टिमटिमाती बत्तियों का प्रतिबिम्ब है ये,
या है मन का कोई वहम मेरा?

रोज़ रात इसी जगह पे दिखता है,
शायद वो भी,
शायद वो भी, मेरी तरह ही,
कुछ है खोज रहा?

- प्रशांत गोयल!