Sunday, October 16, 2016

Discovery of Self!

Gentle Breeze blowing through the window,
Advent of the winters it's echo,
Sun shinning in it's full glory,
Peace all around,
What a wonderful day of Joy!

Lying on my bed, looking through the window,
Breeze embraces me for a Joy Ride,
And miles & miles I take in my stride,
New Horizons await with a Promise,
Goosebumps, Butterflies in the stomach,
What a wonderful day to Cherish!

Oh Lord! Let me not stop here,
Far, Far away I have to reach,
Let good deeds be my Karma,
Strengthen me to follow my Dharma,
As I Seek to Explore,
As I Explore to Evolve,
As I Evolve to find my True Self!!